My favorite pictures of the day.


Tim and Kara's Wedding 074

Who knew my brother could be so sweet?

Tim and Kara's Wedding 063

You can’t tell he is in love can you?

Tim and Kara's Wedding 046

And Kara looks miserable right?

Tim and Kara's Wedding 084

And he’s caught!

Tim and Kara's Wedding 117

A 60’s pose!  Except for the licking of course…

Tim and Kara's Wedding 112

Honeymoon inbound!!!



Author: Jill Stewart

I am a 37 -year-old woman from Arkansas who is happily married to a Scottish immigrant aka “the hubby” “the hubs” or if I am calling him directly “YO YOU!” We’ve been married for 3 years and it’s been a crazy ride, and unfortunately our finances have been beat to death in the last few years. We have two dogs and a cat, no kids. The Blog- What’ll you find: Financial Information as we try to become debt free My attempts at working and trying to maintain a home to the standards I like My adventures in learning how to sew Arts and craft projects Funny tidbits from my life including living with a Scottish person, the dogs, and other oddball things that happen to me. What you won’t find: Much on children. I don’t have kids and I can’t have kids. Recipes- I don’t mind cooking, but unless it’s something really special, don’t come here looking for the weekly recipe! You won’t find it- unless you ask my husband. If you’re interested in what you see, please follow me on Facebook or sign up for emails! Most of all, leave a comment or ask a question! I am always happy to hear from you!

7 thoughts on “My favorite pictures of the day.

  1. Great pictures. I’m pretty sure they licked people in the 60’s too. They just didn’t take pictures of it . . . lolThey look so happy!

  2. These are such cute pictures!

  3. @bethro78 – They are very happy and I am so glad Kara is in the family!@TheCheshireGrins – Thank you.  It was lots of hard work getting them to naturally look so cute…the jerks. XD

  4. cute pictures!  Congrats to your brother.  Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I’m SO HAPPY for your bro and his wife! YAY! Congratulations to them both.

  6. @Blue_ButterflyBaby – Thank you!@bella_esperanza – I am too!  It’s nice to have a sister in law!

  7. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! How cute and romantic!

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